Privacy Policy

The D.Lgs. 30.06.2003 n. 196 has the purpose of ensuring that the processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with the rights, fundamental freedoms, as well as the dignity of natural persons, with particular reference to privacy and personal identity. Pursuant to art. 13 del D.Lgs. 196/2003 the company Alcman, with headquarters in Via Respighi, 8 – 63900 Fermo – ITALY, as data controller, is required to provide the interested party with specific information about the purposes and methods of processing personal data. 

Source of personal data
Personal data acquired directly or from other sources in the context of the company activity are treated in compliance with Legislative Decree 196/2003 and the usual confidentiality obligations.

Purpose of the treatment
The data are processed as part of the company’s normal activity and in particular:

  • for preliminary requirements for the stipulation of contracts
  • for the fulfillment of the obligations and the execution of the operations foreseen by the stipulated contracts
  • for the execution of obligations and fulfilments (administrative, fiscal, accounting, etc.) established by current legislation
  • management of technical support service relating to the marketed products
  • for managing external collaborations
  • for any other operational and management requirement

The provision of data is not mandatory, except in the cases provided for by current legislation, but the refusal to supply them may make it impossible to establish the relationship and execute the contracts.

Processing methods
The treatment can be carried out using manual, automated, computerized, electronic tools suitable for managing, storing and transmitting data and in any case suitable for guaranteeing security and confidentiality.

Categories of subjects to whom the data may be communicated
The data can be communicated to:

  • subjects to whom the right to access the data is granted by law or regulation
  • credit institutions for the management of receipts and payments, financial, insurance and auditing institutions
  • external subjects who perform functions related to the execution of the contract (hauliers, shippers, etc.)
  • collaborators or external service companies

The data can be transferred abroad, even to non-EU countries.

Rights referred to in Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003
You have the right to knowledge, cancellation, rectification, updating, integration and opposition to the processing of the data as well as other rights provided for by art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 whose complete text, relating to the rights of the interested party, is available on the site

© Alcman S.r.l. – P.IVA 01811860442
Via Respighi, 8 – 63900 Fermo – IT
T. +39 0734 671348